Hair Restoration 

My Healthy Place is a top medical spa in Cypress, TX. We offer excellent facials and advanced cosmetic treatments. We focus on hair restoration in Houston to boost clients' confidence and make them feel their best. We can help you achieve your dream hair with our expertise and advanced techniques.

Hair Restoraion

What Is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration is a service that helps maintain a natural-looking head of hair. Our experts at My Healthy Place provide personalized solutions for hair loss. Each client receives the care they deserve.

Advanced Techniques: We use advanced technology and techniques to restore hair growth effectively. 

Personalized Consultations: Every client is unique. We spend time comprehending their specific needs and goals in one-on-one meetings. 

Thorough Assessment: Our experts assess each client's hair loss to find the best treatment options.

Non-Surgical Options: We have laser therapy, PRP treatments, and topical solutions to help hair regrowth. 

Transplantation: Hair transplantation is an effective option for individuals with significant hair loss. Our skilled surgeons perform precise procedures to transplant hair grafts for natural-looking results.

FUE Technique: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a gentle hair transplant procedure. It extracts and transplants follicles from the donor area to the recipient area. Our experts are well-versed in this technique, ensuring a comfortable and successful operation.

Post-Treatment Care: We offer care instructions for a smooth recovery and optimal results.

Emotional Support: Hair loss can be emotionally challenging. We know that hair loss can affect your self-esteem. At My Healthy Place, we support you during the restoration process.

Long-Term Results: Our hair treatments help maintain healthy hair for years.

When Do You Need Hair Restoration Treatment?

Hair restoration treatment may be needed if you have hair loss or thinning. If you have any of these conditions, consider hair restoration.

Progressive Hair Loss: If your hair is thinning or receding, consider exploring hair restoration options. Early intervention can yield better results.

Pattern Baldness: Hair loss can be treated with hair restoration methods for both men and women.

Hormonal Changes: Menopause, pregnancy, or postpartum can cause hair loss due to hormonal changes. Hair restoration can help restore hair growth in these cases.

Traumatic Hair Loss: Hair restoration treatments can help with hair loss due to trauma, surgery, or burns.

Why Choose My Healthy Place for Hair Restoration?

At My Healthy Place, we prioritize your satisfaction and well-being. We have the expertise and advanced techniques for hair restoration. Our personalized approach ensures the best results for our valued clients. Here are some reasons why our clients choose us:

·        We know each client is unique, so our hair restoration takes a personalized approach. We assess your condition and create a customized treatment plan to meet your goals.

·        We use the latest technologies at My Healthy Place to ensure excellent service. We use advanced equipment to give clients great treatments with top results.

·        Compassionate Care is our priority. We aim to make each client feel safe, heard, and understood. We offer caring support, guiding you through each step of hair restoration.

·        Choose My Healthy Place for hair restoration. Slow aging and regain confidence confidently. Schedule a visit for fantastic hair restoration results.